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Volleyball Net

السعر : 550

10/23/2020 11:21:33 PM

تفاصيل الاعلان

PLS CONTACT 66416945 Brand:G&G Netting Tournament net with fiber glass rod Dimension:9.5x1m Material:black knotless HTTP netting, 100mm Mesh Netting:Diameter4mm Top:white PES band 10c Side:white:white PVC band10cm Bottom:blackPVC band10cm Tension Rope:Top with3/5mmPVC steel cablebottom with 6mm braided rope Tie Rope:white braided rope 6mm

(8 / 10 / 5618 )

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مفاتيح كلمات الإعلان

CONTACT 66416945 BrandG G Netting Tournament with fiber glass rod Dimension95x1m Materialblack knotless HTTP netting 100mm Mesh NettingDiameter4mm Topwhite band 10c Sidewhitewhite band10cm BottomblackPVC band10cm Tension RopeTop with3/5mmPVC steel cablebottom with braided rope Ropewhite braided rope 6mmVolleyball